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Lacy Check Ripple Afghan

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After the first row, all but the last stitch of each row is made in chain spaces, making this a great pattern for homespun or boucle style yarns, but it can be made with just about any yarn. Make it in a solid color or with as many color changes as you like.

The example is made in Bernat Soft Boucle.

Size: This blanket can be made any size. Four widths are given in the directions.

SizeWidth (Inches)Length (Inches)Ounces of yarnYards of yarn
Extra Large56.5675.4246.472369.75

Yarn – Sizing given for Bulky yarn but other weights can be used
Size I (5.5mm) crochet hook

ch = chain
ch sp = chain space
dc = double crochet
yo = yarn over

Special stitches:
1stRowDecV – Dc in chain indicated, ch 2, yo, insert hook in same chain as double crochet, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook, yo, skip next 3 chains, insert hook in next ch, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook, ch 2, dc in same chain.
DecV – Dc in ch sp indicated, ch 2, yo, insert hook in same ch sp as double crochet, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook, yo, skip 4 dc, insert hook in next ch sp, yo and pull up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook, ch 2, dc in same ch sp.

The beginning chain should be a multiple of 32 plus 3.

For these widths, start with this number of chains:
28.75″ = 99
38″ = 131
47.25″ = 163
56.5″ = 195

Row 1: Skip first 6 ch (counts as first dc and 3 ch), dc in 7th ch from hook, [skip 3 ch, (dc, ch 3, dc) in next chain] two times, * skip 3 ch, 1stRowDecV, [skip 3 ch, (dc, ch3, dc) in next chain] three times, ch 3, [skip 3 ch, (dc, ch3, dc) in next chain] three times. Repeat from * to last 20 ch. Skip 3 ch, 1stRowDecV, [skip 3 ch, (dc, ch3, dc) in next chain] three times.

Row 2: Ch4 (counts as dc and ch), (4dc in next ch3 sp, ch1) three times, (2 dc in next ch2 space) two times, (ch1, 4 dc in next ch3 sp) two times, * (ch1, 4 dc in next ch3 sp) five times, ch1, (2 dc in next ch2 space) two times, (ch1, 4 dc in next ch3 space) two times. Repeat from * to end of row. Ch1, in next ch 6 space (4 dc, ch1, dc in 3rd turning chain). Turn.

Row 3: Ch 6 (counts as first dc and 3 ch), dc in ch1 sp, [(dc, ch 3, dc) in next ch sp] two times, * DecV in next ch sp, [(dc, ch3, dc) in next ch sp] three times, ch 3, [(dc, ch3, dc) in next ch sp] three times. Repeat from * to the last 4 ch sp and ch-4 turning ch. DecV in next ch sp, [(dc, ch3, dc) in next ch sp] two times, (dc, ch3, dc) in the ch-4 turning ch sp. Turn.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 until afghan is desired length. End with a row 2. Finish off and weave in end.

The blanket can be made in a solid color or can be made with any number of color changes. The best way to make a color change is to finish all but the very last pull through of the two loops of the last stitch of a row. Cut yarn with a few inches of tail and join with new color next to stitch. Pull new color through last two loops. Weave in ends.

9/30/2014: Modified Rows 1 and 3 for clarity.

Restrictions on the use of this pattern are available at http://stitcheryprojects.com/using-my-patterns/.

Afghans, Crocheted, My Patterns

13 Comments to “Lacy Check Ripple Afghan”

  1. hi mama,i realize this patern is crochet, i am looking for a pattern to knit and it forms a circle. i did write to you about this patern. can you help me betty

  2. Having a problem with Row 1 coming out. I made the first dc ch 3 out of the 6 ch and the dc in the 7th chain. Should there be two more of those to finish the (dc, ch 3, dc) pattern? I think that this pattern will be really pretty if I can get through Row 1 with Homespun (finding the chains is always a challenge!!)

    • Row 1: Skip first 6 ch (counts as first dc and 3 ch), dc in 7th ch from hook, [skip 3 ch, (dc, ch 3, dc) in next chain] two times, * skip 3 ch, 1stRowDecV, [skip 3 ch, (dc, ch3, dc) in next chain] three times, ch 3, [skip 3 ch, (dc, ch3, dc) in next chain] three times. Repeat from * to end of row. Turn.

      Yes, they are there after the dc in the 7th ch from hook and before the repeat begins.

  3. I would like to do a border of sc’s around all four sides of this blanket but not certain how many sc’s to do in the chain 3 spaces of the foundation row. Love your patterns and have done the Crazy Block blanket and now working on the Ribbon and Lace pattern and Lacy Check Ripple pattern.

    • You may have to experiment some and see what looks best. I’d start with 3 sc in the ch spaces. You will probably need to add extra sc at the peaks and exclude some at the valleys to stay with the ripple pattern.

  4. I don’t understand the directions for the first row. I did (skip 3 ch, (dc, ch3, dc) in next chain) two times. Then it directs to *skip 3 ch, 1stRowDecV, (skip 3 ch, (dc,ch3,dc)in next ch)3 times. The directions for the 1stRowDecV states to dc in chain indicated. I don’t see where a dc is indicated. Do I do the 1stRowDecV first then proceed to the Parentheses instructions? This is where I am stuck. I really like this pattern so please clarify. ty jane

    • Once you have followed the directions up to the *, the directions say to skip 3 ch, so the 1stRowDecV is to be worked in the 4th chain from the work you have completed. Once you have completed the 1stRowDecV then you will the directions in the parentheses.

  5. I am having trouble starting the second row do I continue or stop at the last* for to begining 2nd row or do I do another DecVit says to count ch 4 as dc and ch than 4 dc in next three ch sp but that is a ch 3sp but there are 6 ch 3 spaces please help me out.

    • In researching your question I realized that my directions for the first and third rows were not well written. I’ve modified them to be more clear. The first row should actually end with another decrease V set and three more V’s. Then making row two coming back that way, you will have three ch-3 spaces then two ch-2 spaces to work in.

  6. Ria van Staalduinen

    I would love to have that pattern

  7. Many thanks from Australia – your cover is beautiful!

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